Thursday, February 24, 2011

strange balance (Assign1)

Awesome illustration, but its hard to establish the connection between it and the brand. But I would say it is style and egronomics. it feel heavier on the right, but yet the eyes still moves to the left.


  1. I am like you, can not really relate the ad to a car company. Great look though, sort of asymatrict

  2. i like the art design, and i agree it feels heavy on the right, but my eyes goto the left :)

  3. This comment has been removed by the author.

  4. to me this ad says our brand is for everyone,
    for poeple that think from the left or the right side of the brain. Nice composition.

  5. Mercedes' ads? Wow, couldn't figure out that.

    Am I the only one who look from the left to the right? >"< I mean, the left has clear direction to lead your eyes to look at it, right? With all the shape points out like that, very radial balance.

    Beautiful color on the right though. But why did they put a bull there, I wonder.

  6. Its more symmetrical, since it is the brain...

    i like how the designer actually did the LEFT or technical of the brain with a graph paper background, there are many straight lines.

    the RIGHT or creative side explodes with vibrant colors and curves.

  7. When I look at this ad - I see a brain straight away but it is a very busy ad. My eyes kind of go all over the place.
