Tuesday, February 15, 2011

ATRC 1305 Blog Ad for Assingment


  1. So beautiful, very good artwork indeed.

    However, I don't think it's a good ads for this kind of events. When I search for Andy & Friends, turn out it's a baby store. I mean... for baby, they usually use bright color and fun stuff, not dark as this one, right?

  2. This sis an ad for a Performance of Lee Coombs: not for a Baby Store. Do a search for Lee Coombs and listen to his music.

  3. I love the grunge. It is kinda victorian. I like the emphasis by isolation and size.

  4. the designer put alot of creativity into this ad, from the background print adding shadow to emphasize foreground/background. there's many lines and curves, also the bulb brings radial balance and the overall ad is Emphasis by Placement IMO.

  5. This is a nice example of several of the design terms we have been covering since our first class, and even recently concerning texture. With the way the shading is done as well as the curving shape, it gives a strong visual texture... almost like being about to reach onto your screen and feel the bumps and curves in the piece. It has a wonderful, slightly asymmetrical and radial balance, and uses the space effectively.

    But as Dinh points out, you do have to be careful with the naming of your events and the names posted on your ads (look up the South Park episode "Cartman Joins NAMBLA"). While I would never associate Coombs with peddling toddler clothing, "Andy & Friends" do come up with some interesting Google results.

  6. I think that this ad has alot of detail some artist spent alot of time designing this ad. There is also too much going on to focus on anything in the ad. I can see color but anything I'm not sure.
