This is a rather recent work of mine. I actually made this little unity of letters during the second or third week of the semester I believe. And I showed it to David for his opinion.
I had always tried to make an image that combined all the letters of me first name into one object ever since middle school actually. But I had forgotten all about that until a few months ago and decided to give it another try just because. I felt I had gotten better at making that kind of thing with the years, and I feel like I have finally succeeded.
This is simply and image combining all the letters of my first name. AYAX
Now, this is not something I might use for signing checks and things of the sort, but I have the idea of using it for me digital work from now on. To try to make it a wee more professional.
These are other works I intended to use for this assignment but ended up making just for fun:

I like this one
It looks lively and cute ^^
very neat logo, Ayax. I like it when icons are clever