This is the unique individual character in my Chinese name that indicates me. A lot of Chinese names are three characters: Surname-Generational name-Individual name. So I share the same middle character with my sister, but this character "yun" is my third character. My full name is "Hsu Xuan Yun" and you would call me by my given name, "Xuan Yun." It means "Looking out the window at the clouds." This third character, which I used as my signature, is the Chinese character for "cloud". So that's my signature.
I used the Mac font STKaiti after browsing all the available Asian fonts... this still isn't exactly how I would write it if I could wield a brush the way I would like, but it comes the closest, and it's better than if I wrote it with a brush or pen.
looks like a skeleton...arms, ribs, pelvic bone, and only one leg.